Archive for October 2018
Your Child’s Back Pain Must Be Taken Seriously
Younger spines are more resilient to the stresses of life than fully formed, adult spines
Besides the fact that children are generally more active than adults, their spine are also more flexible and resilient to injury. With more activity comes a greater chance of injury, so we do expect to see more sports-related dysfunction in younger spines. But if your young one is complaining of back pain that is unrelated to sports and is bordering on chronic, it’s definitely time to sit up and take note.
Taking the Pain Out of Productivity
No matter your profession, it takes a toll on your spine
Whether you are a professional runner or you sit all day at a computer; whether you bend over cars or work in a hospital; whether you are in a factory or in a forest, your job is going to extract a cost from your spine. For so many of us, productivity means pain. For the office worker, the added compression of sitting leaves you stiff and sore on your commute home. For someone who is on their feet, or bending over often, the spine is at elevated risk of injury from flexion of the spine. Taking the pain out of your workday means being proactive about prevention.
Choosing Spinal Health Care Specialists in Dunedin
When managing your pain becomes more than you can bear…
…many of us turn to our primary care providers for help; many of those PCPs may then refer you on to a spinal health care specialist or a spinal surgeon to consult over the pain. At Hayes Family Chiropractic, we specialize in treating spines with non-invasive techniques. By promoting conservative care, we take a calculated approach that aims to prevent you from having to go under the knife. This is proven time and again to be the best way to start off when treating conditions of the spine. True, your condition may call for surgery- but starting with conservative care helps us develop a clearer picture of the interplay between your spine, your medical history and your lifestyle.
Putting Chiropractic Philosophy Into Daily Use
Defining chiropractic philosophy
Before you can put it into daily use, we’ve got to define it! At Hayes Family Chiropractic, we believe that the most important thing in life is taking care of ourselves, our families and our communities. But this starts with the individual- before you can help others you need to help yourself. And in order to feel your best, both physically and mentally, you need to be proactive about the health of your spine! Chiropractic philosophy believes that by focusing on the wellbeing of your spine, you can positively influence all other aspects of health.