Archive for August 2018
How We Help Golfers Go Low
Low on the scorecard, high on the wellness
Golf is a simultaneously good and bad for the back; as a form of low-impact exercise, it gets us out and moving in a purposeful fashion. Depending on how you play, you may carry your bag or walk up and down hills. No matter who you are, the golf swing involves generating power, generally from torsion of the hips and force from the shoulders. You spend time in unnatural bending positions while you putt, or reach over to tee up or retrieve your ball. The reason we point out all of these motions is because they leave you vulnerable to:
- Muscle strain
- Spinal injuries
- Repetitive strain injury
The spine and the sport of golf share a precarious relationship. At Hayes Family Chiropractic, we help ensure that you play your best game while minimizing the risk for injury.
Lifting Techniques For Back Pain Sufferers
Lifting causes injuries
Lifting, especially when it involves heavy objects, causes injury because it increases the amount of compression on your spine. To begin with, your back muscles are not designed to bear heavy burdens on their own; the legs are much more capable of this action, hence the slogan: lift with your legs and not your back. If you are already suffering from back pain, lifting is only likely to aggravate your injury; it is a motion best avoided. With all this in mind, so many of us persist in bending at the waist and lifting with our backs. Without further ado, here are two strategies for lifting that won’t cost your back in the long run.
Banish Morning Stiffness Before Getting Out of Bed
Stiffness in the morning time causes us to start the day off on the wrong foot
But who among us in the adult population of Dunedin can truly say they never feel stiffness in the morning time? This stiffness is most often a byproduct of both aging and lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to be done about it. In fact, you can defeat morning time stiffness before even getting out of bed, and it won’t take more than 5 minutes. Here’s how:
Leaving Painkillers Behind: The Natural Pain Relief Advantage
Natural pain relief makes a difference
Pain enter our lives and causes an interruption. From a small, nagging pain to a full-blown injury that temporarily incapacitates you, most of us will choose to medicate our pain somehow. But when it comes to the options for pain relief, not all avenues are equal. OTC and prescription painkillers do a lot to mask the pain and help us carry on despite the pain’s cause; in this way, they are useful and actually indispensable for some people’s daily functioning. But by leaving the root of the problem unaddressed, painkillers can actually perpetuate the problem further by lulling you into a false sense of wellbeing. Taking a holistic, proactive approach to pain management means that we can achieve pain relief in a more long-lasting, completely natural manner.
Chiropractic for the Postpartum Period
The post-partum period is broken down into three phases
- The first 6-12 hours after delivery is known as the acute postpartum phase
- The subacute which is the following 2-6 weeks
- The delayed period can last for up to 6 months.
It is important to know that this struggle will not be won overnight. The overwhelming majority of women will report at least one health problem during the postpartum phase- ranging from physical pain and discomfort to deep depression, anxiety. No woman deserves to go through this period alone; each woman deserves a dedicated team of health professionals to help them navigate through the postpartum transition.
Workplace Wellness Techniques for Avoiding Tech Pain
Enslaved to technology
Attached to your phone, glued to the screen, at the mercy of e-mails and social media updates; 21st century jobs and lifestyles often seem to demand that we stay on top of everything at once. We have to have our fingers on the pulse and keep ourselves one step ahead to avoid falling by the wayside. This type of responsibility is felt internally but it manifests itself in myriad ways, including physically. The stress alone is enough to kill, but the actions we take within this lifestyle are also telling. More and more studies are giving credence to the damaging effects of technology on our minds, spines, fingers and everything in between. Tech pain and text neck have become buzzwords to which most of us can relate. So how do we prevent this vicious cycle from chewing up our bodies and spitting us out at the end of our careers in pain? Let’s take a look.
The Webster Technique for Correcting Fetal Positioning
There is no measure for the stress that a baby in breech can cause.
Having gone through the upheaval and preparation of the last months, approaching your due date with a baby in the breech position can cause undue trauma because it leaves your pregnancy open to a host of complications during labor and delivery. That is why your primary healthcare team, including if you so choose, a pregnancy-specific chiropractor, must make turning the baby a top priority in the third trimester. About 3-4% of full-term pregnancies present in breech, and the Webster technique has a great track record in helping these mothers correct the position of the fetus in time for a smooth, complication-free birth. So how does it work? Let’s find out.