How Chiropractic Supports Your Quest for Fitness
Your spinal health is an influential factor in fitness
Spinal and postural disorders tend to get in the way of fitness. Back pain or dysfunction can stop you from working out altogether, or it can affect you to varying degrees while you are exercising. Spinal misalignment, at its most basic level, gets in the way of achieving full range of motion which alters the way you work out completely. It may cause you to favor one side versus the other, completely altering your natural biomechanics and causing secondary injury or dysfunction. For the same reason, spinal misalignment can also stop you from developing the back’s musculature evenly. In all cases, spinal disorders prevent you from reaping the full benefit of your exercise.
How chiropractic supports fitness
At our office in Dunedin, we aim to help you reduce your chance of injury while getting back maximum returns on your workout. We utilize a number of modalities to help you do just that:
- Spinal adjustment: realigns the spine, alleviates nerve impingement, reduces pain and increases range of motion in the spinal joints.
- Decompression therapy: helps to allay spinal pressure by providing a gentle stretching to the spine that allows for rehydration of the intevertebral discs.
- Trigger point therapy: targeting problematic balls of tension in the musculature to help you feel less pain and achieve full range of motion.
- Massage: releases painkilling endorphins, increase circulation in both the local region and throughout the body.
Chiropractic helps people in Dunedin get fit!
No matter what your health goals are currently, we can help you optimize your approach to meeting them. If you need help getting inspired or finding momentum in your current fitness plan, give our office in Dunedin a call to schedule an appointment today.