An Ergonomic Injury Fact Sheet
Define: ergonomic injury
The word ergonomics has a generally positive connotation that invokes a person sitting in a perfectly balanced position with a perfectly adjusted chair and desk to support them as they work away. But this romantic image is an example of good ergonomics, the kind that puts minimal pressure on the spine in the workplace. For most of us, whether due to our inherent human laziness, lack of supportive furniture, or other risk factors, our ergonomics are less than perfect. And that’s OK! But it’s time to make ourselves aware of how poor ergonomics can contribute to poor health.
Ergonomic risk factors
The term ergonomic injury refers to injuries most often caused by a combination of risk factors associated with ergonomics. Here are some of the most common that we can identify at Hayes Family Chiropractic:
- Poor (or poorly supported) posture
- A work station that puts your body out of balance
- Trauma from repetitive actions such as typing
- Forceful exertion
Ergonomic pitfalls are ubiquitous among American workers. At Hayes Family Chiropractic, we are Dunedin’s resource for treating the following ergonomic-related conditions, and helping counsel you on proper workplace ergonomics to prevent them from recurring:
- Repetitive stress trauma
- Cumulative trauma
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Musculoskeletal disorders including misalignment of the spine
Our particular brand of chiropractic and wellness care seeks to identify your specific risk factors and set a course of awareness and prevention that will strengthen the right parts of your body to keep you resilient against the incursions of your office.
Overcoming ergonomic injuries at Hayes Family Chiropractic
Don’t let your workplace be the death of your spine! At our office in Dunedin, we help the workers of our community prevent their jobs from taking an immeasurable toll on their spines. If you are interested in making good ergonomics the norm in your life, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.