Chiropractic for the Postpartum Period
The post-partum period is broken down into three phases
- The first 6-12 hours after delivery is known as the acute postpartum phase
- The subacute which is the following 2-6 weeks
- The delayed period can last for up to 6 months.
It is important to know that this struggle will not be won overnight. The overwhelming majority of women will report at least one health problem during the postpartum phase- ranging from physical pain and discomfort to deep depression, anxiety. No woman deserves to go through this period alone; each woman deserves a dedicated team of health professionals to help them navigate through the postpartum transition.
Where chiropractic fits into the postpartum puzzle
We work alongside your primary care physician to add another dimension to your postpartum rehabilitation plan. Physical pain can add a significant burden to your mental anxiety. As chiropractors, our primary goal is to help you resolve the long-standing issues of pelvic instability and spinal misalignment that develop during pregnancy. Left unaddressed, these structural deficiencies can develop into more serious conditions like sciatica, chronic headaches and herniated discs. So what is our solution?
During pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester, pelvic ligaments relax in order to make way for the passage of the child. This leaves your spine destabilized at its very base; many spinal problems can stem from a destabilized pelvis. Using gentle adjustments, we seek to restore stability and alignment throughout the pelvis and lower spine. With this set-up established, we can work on adding in strength to the core and pelvis so that your spine is supported rather than destabilized.
Resolving physical discomfort in support of a healthy postpartum transition
True, your body will never be the same. For many women, this can be hard to fully accept. But with the help of a certified pregnancy chiropractor on your side, you can make a full return to a life without the pains and left over discomforts of pregnancy. If you are interested in finding out more, give our office in Dunedin a call to schedule an appointment today.