Ear Infections
Ear Infections or Otitis media is an inner ear infection generally caused from a blockage of the Eustachian tubes. The Eustachian Tube allows equalized pressure on the eardrum and allows fluid to drain away from the inner ear. When the Eustachian tube is blocked, fluid builds up and causes an infection. The transverse process, bones sticking out from the sides of a vertebrae, run next to the Eustachian tubes at C1, the first Cervical vertebrae. When a vertebra is misaligned or subluxated, swollen tissue will result causing the Eustachian tubes to block. By removing the subluxations at C1 and C2 you can reduce the tissue swelling around the Eustachian Tubes and allow the inner ear to drain, clearing the infection within a couple days in many cases. Isn’t it time you tried chiropractic care for you and your family? If you are experiencing any of the common symptoms below, please call our office now to schedule an appointment.
Ear Aches or Tugging at the Ear
Ear and Nasal Drainage
Poor Sleep
Irritability and Crying
Decreased appetite