setting goals for success

How to Successfully Set Goals

Impact your health plan by visualizing something specific for yourself.

With spring right around the corner, the opportunities for getting outside and changing the way you feel ar endless. An important way to take advantage of the season is to set goals for yourself. But not all goals are created equal- it is important to make goals that will set you upset for success. Start by being honest with yourself: what is your level of fitness? and where would you like to see yourself within a certain time frame. We came up with a few ways to keep your goals focused so that you can be successful.

Successful goal-setting starts with a piece of paper

  • Write down a goal that is achievable in a two-month time frame. For example: sign yourself up for a race in the community that gives you two months to train. Or I want to reach X weight by the end of the month.
  • Keep your goal-setting as detailed as possible: walk for 30 minutes a day, run three times per week, etc. Round numbers work the best! The idea is that you create an easily attainable baseline which will stick in your head. 
  • Write it into your schedule: when will you do it? Block out the time that will be dedicated to your goal. 
  • Choose an activity that brings you joy: don’t do something you hate just because it gets you fit. Choose activities or sports that you enjoy and you will find the most success.

One goal at a time for the win

Setting too many goals leaves you overwhelmed. The feeling of setting and achieving a goal, however simple, is a great boost to your reward complex and it will spur you on to greater things! At Hayes Family Chiropractic, we are your greatest cheerleaders- we can help you overcome physical obstacles and keep you motivated to achieve any goals you set for yourself this springtime. 

Dr. Chris Hayes, D.C. 

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