weight loss

Losing Weight the Smart Way

Losing weight is not always a healthy process

When it comes to losing weight, there is an overwhelming amount of diets, plans, regimes, schemes, pills, and tips to choose from. The proliferation of social media has allowed anyone with the slightest idea of nutrition science, diet or healthcare to broadcast their opinions on weight loss to millions of people and sell books while they are at it. The sad thing about this murky swamp of weight loss ideas is that it is taking advantage of people who face a serious health problem: obesity will soon overtake smoking as the number one cause of preventable death in the United States. At Hayes Family Chiropractic, we want to take it back to basics, beginning with the reasons why you want to lose the weight, and following up with a plan grounded in science that will help you lose weight in a healthy manner. 

Our plan for weight loss is one-on-one

Too many diets seek to apply a blanket to everyone who is overweight, promising that their method will deliver significant weight loss in X amount of time. The truth is, we all have wildly differing nutrient, cholesterol, fat and muscle profiles and any weight loss plan should take this into account first and foremost. Our weight loss plan, offered by accredited ITG weight loss healthcare professionals provides you with an individually tailored plan and follows up every step of the way, week by week as you make your way through your weight loss journey. 

Our plan for weight loss is about education first 

We seek to educate you about how the relationship between nutrition, diet and weight and how you can regain control over your food intake to maintain a healthy weight. Our plan rests upon the simple formula of providing the body with high-biological value protein isolates which help you maintain your lean muscle mass while forcing the body to burn its fat reserve for energy. 

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